Check out the new update for VEX GO in the Classroom App!
We encountered some issues with one specific GO Brain at a training back in February, and luckily we had @Tyler_Bobik there with us to help troubleshoot. However, we know not everyone can travel with a software developer to help fix problems. Which lead to our newest Classroom App update!
All of the tried and true features of the Classroom App are there, but you will see a new button when you select a VEX GO Brain. “Show Device Info”
When that button is selected, a table of sensor information will appear! This is great for troubleshooting, and then when you’re done you can select “Hide Device Info” and go back to your traditional view.
To learn more about this update, check out this article.
If you have additional feedback on the Classroom App, we would love to hear it!
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Thank you for the update! I’m going to update my robots tomorrow! Thanks for the article! I’ll let you know how it goes! @Jessica_Drayer I love a numbering system and new features!
@Alaina_Haws I’m having some charging issues. I just put in new batteries for Coder 6, Coder 3 and Coder 9 and the battery percentage never went up. All of my other coders have old batteries and most are yellow. These three were red previously so I changed the batteries.
Any ideas?
I was also having a similar charging issue with my VEX 123 bots but I think I figured out the problem. When I charge the case on a USB charger it only charges half of the bots. I changed my charging stations to include the original base. I go to my elementary school tomorrow in the afternoon after state testing so I’ll see if this fixes it. I have a hypothesis! But I wanted to add this for anyone else that might have similar issues - but really I think it was my mistake @Alaina_Haws