Color Sensing - Block Coding

Hello. Trying to use block coding for Gen 2 VEX IQ for students to use block coding for sensors but when we pull up VEXcode IQ it does not allow the option, “drive forward,” block. We are following directions but are lost. Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi @Rita_Arabian - welcome to the Community! My first thought is to be sure that you configured the Drivetrain in VEXcode IQ. You have to add a Drivetrain as a device in the configuration, in order for the Drivetrain blocks to appear in the Toolbox.

This article walks through the steps to configure a 2-Motor Drivetrain in VEXcode IQ..

Students will need to do this each time they begin a new project. I hope that is helpful!

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Thank you so much! It is very helpful :grinning:

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