Compare and Contrast with VexGO - Part 2

@Audra_Selkowitz @Aimee_DeFoe This is a follow up to my other post. My 3rd graders are currently doing the Mars Rover STEM LAB. I realized that they do not know much about the Mars Rover. I decided to show them a video of the Mars Rover - Perseverance.

After watching the video we discussed the difference between the Mars Rover used by NASA and the Code Base they built for the STEM LAB. My students then created a Venn Diagram to compare/contrast the robots.


That is awesome @Tina_Dietrich! As you do things with the Code Base (and perhaps the Mars Rover STEM Labs) it would be neat to continue to do these to compare and contrast what the students are doing in the STEM Labs with the actual tasks the Perseverance Rover is doing on Mars!


LOVE IT! What a great way to introduce the real Mars Rover to the kids! If you end up doing the Mars Math Expedition GO Competition STEM Lab, you can build onto this - maybe add a third ring to your Venn Diagram and add the GO Competition Hero Robot in there, too!