IQ (2nd gen) Builds Made With IQ (1st gen) Parts

Looking to participate in the VEX IQ (2nd gen) builds and accompanying STEM Labs but you’re left with IQ (1st gen) Kits? Well look no further than this thread! This Google Drive folder contains not only the .step files of the (2nd gen) BaseBot and BaseBot with Sensors using (1st gen) Kit contents, but it also now contains the .step file of the IQ (2nd gen) Clawbot build using (1st gen) Kit contents! This is a great way to ‘spice up’ your 1st generation Kits, and gives your students another build to explore, iterate on, and code.
Note for the Clawbot build,

You can read more about the IQ (2nd gen) Clawbot build made with IQ (1st gen) parts in the insights article posted here.


This is great Matt! Thanks so much for sharing. @LORI_COLANGELO I know this is something you could possibly use! :slight_smile:



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@Molly_Gomes tagging you here to see these builds!

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