Welcome San Bernardino Educators!

We learned that we can have one on one sessions.

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I am excited to start making robots do any commands. #robots

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I am excited to bring the information that we are learning to our students.

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We are excited to learn about VEX Go today.

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We’re excited to make the robots follow our commands!


Here at Kendall we are excited to have fun with robots.

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I am excited to learn about what VEX GO has to offer. I am familiar with VEX 123. However, students seems to lose interest rather quickly and I am curious as to whether or not VEX GO offers more complicated commands and perhaps a more engaging experience.

-Thom Driscoll

Excited to learn more about the program! :+1:

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Excited to be here!!!

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I want to drive!!!

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So excited to teach the students how to work with VEX.


I am excited to learn what the crazy command does.


all of it

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im excited to code

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We are excited to show the students this program. I think that they will love it !

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We are also excited, but at Urbita

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I’m excited to learn new things to do with my students :blush:

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We’re looking forward to make indestructible robots.


Excited to learn about these machines

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I’m excited to teach my golden Eagles!!! :grin:

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