This morning, we wrote the welded sounds, ong, ink, ank, unk, on the board and had students program their robots to the correct sound. Students really enjoyed this activity.
Oh this is so awesome! This is my goal for using VEX 123. I’m going to try Journey’s sight words first. Did you make cards? Or did they kids just find the word and program to it?
Was this is a center or whole class?
I think I’m going to start with whole class and then model for the students how to do this kind of activity in a center.
Let me know what worked for you @Desiree_White-Price!
What a fantastic way to bring your robots into literacy @Desiree_White-Price! @Anna_Blake I feel like you could tape sight words to the Tiles (to keep them longer), or write them on with dry erase marker if you were using it in a short experience.
You could also incorporate welded sounds, etc. into something like the Robot Word Search Activity
@Anna_Blake I am trying to upload the picture of the board so that you can see how I did it. Hopefully my Internet gets better and I will send you the video.
@Audra_Selkowitz I am trying to figure out how to move to VCCV words without making it too difficult.
@Anna_Blake This was whole class. I only let one student at a time code the robot to the correct sound.
You could split the words into their syllables, and then they have to code the robot to drive to both parts of the word. I’m picturing something like this - I used ‘number’, ‘rabbit’, and ‘online’.
You could also give part of the word, and have kids drive to the missing part – like give num — and they drive to ‘ber’ or give —bit and they drive to ‘rab’.
We tried this and the students loved it. Thanks so much for this!
Oh good, I’m so glad to hear it!