During teacher trainings last week in Nevada, @Jason_McKenna and I used the Parade Float STEM Lab Unit as the culminating activity for the sessions. Teachers had to combine groups, so that there were at least 3 robots in each parade; then design a parade route, decorate their floats, and code their Code Base ‘floats’ to carry out the parade together.
The results were FANTASTIC! Not only was the activity fun and engaging, but it gave teachers first hand experience with the kinds of collaborative learning and decision making that they would be facilitating with their students. As teachers, rarely do we get time to be the students, and that can be such an impactful and meaningful experience!
There were robot dances, pride parades, LED Bumpers used to make ‘disco’ lights, and much, much more. Here are few moments from the parades -
There was laughter, challenge, creativity, and teamwork present around the room, and so many teachers commenting on how much their students would enjoy this activity. Which, to me, has always been the mark of a good PD session.
What is something you’ve done in a teacher training or workshop that was super memorable and meaningful for you?