Hello everyone! I just wanted to share two VEX EXP activities that use the EXP and AI Vision Sensor to help students explore real-world technology and spark ideas for their school science projects: VEX Smart Sandwich Bot and VEX Smart Seeding /Vending Machine. Please take a look at the videos.
VEX Smart Sandwich Bot
VEX Smart Seeding /Vending Machine
The VEX Smart Sandwich Bot uses AprilTag IDs (or colors) to identify food types and determine the required food to make the sandwich.
The VEX Smart Seeding Machine/Vending Machine identifies the AprilTag IDs to determine the number of seeds/ candies to dispense.
These activities are easy for the teachers to adapt into their science/math/CS curriculum. For example, the VEX Smart Sandwich Bot can be used to calculate calories, assess nutritional balance, or even teach the classic knapsack problem. The materials for both projects are easy to find, please see the images.
Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback. Thank you!