There are so many robots in the competition built with a 4 rolling rubber band in-take and raise-up two-layer dump platform. Is there a tutorial or build instruction to build a similar robot? Thanks.
Hi @Kevin_Cao! Let me be the first to welcome you to the Community! I’m so glad you’re here.
In terms of build instructions for robots that you see at competition, we don’t have any specific competition build instructions beyond the Hero Robot. However, teams often post ‘robot reveal’ or ‘robot explanation’ videos on platforms like You Tube (here’s one example - These can be helpful for your team to get inspiration and learn from the team who has shared their design, and connect with them about the evolution of their design over the course of the season.
If there are specific mechanisms within the robots that you’re interested in learning more about, VEX Library articles might also be a good place to start.