A few years ago I had the honor to be a volunteer referee/scorekeeper at the VEX World Championship. I soon learned that I am not very talented at doing real-time scoring during a match. I was recently reviewing the activity, Team Freeze Tag as part of the Freeze Tag STEM Lab. This competition requires real-time scoring to keep track of how many tags each Robot Alliance makes. I was thinking perhaps some other people might also have trouble with real-time scoring and with a little iteration of the VEXcode IQ project, each robot could keep track of how often it has been tagged. Then the scores could just be read off the robots’ displays at the end of the match. I also added a wait block in the project to eliminate rapid tagging and allow a robot time to escape when it becomes re-enable. The changes to the project would look like:
Please let me know if you think this would be helpful or if you have any additional ideas for the Freeze Tag competition.