Build Instructions for EXP Platform Placer

I’m struggling to put together the arenas for all the different lessons because I’m looking at just a picture. For example, I’m putting together the arena for the “Moving Objects” challenge in the “Platform Placer” unit and I’m having difficulty going through and relying on a picture to determine what size screw, etc… to use. Is there somewhere listed building instructions for this?

Hi @Brent_Wooten! Are you looking at the images from the activity itself or from the Teacher Facilitation guide?

We currently don’t have build instructions for these. However, it is something that we are working on. I will keep you updated as soon as they are finished :smiley:

Hi @Brent_Wooten!

Here are the build instruction links!

They were also linked in the Teacher Facilitation Guide.

Please let me know if this helps :smiley: