With a new school year starting up, it’s bound to happen that a new student may be joining your competition team. What strategies do you have for introducing students brand new to building with the VEX V5 system? Are there any STEM Labs or other resources you use?
I feel like a short survey could be useful here, not only for the new student, but for all students. Including both quantifiable questions (like How many teams have you participated on before? What roles have you played on your team? etc.), but also questions that get at students motivation (like Why did you join the robotics team this year? or What are you most looking forward to about being on the team this year?). You could even include things to give you, the coach/mentor/teacher a baseline in terms of things like iteration or persistence, by asking questions like “What is something you persisted through over the summer or last school year that will help you on the team?”, or “How comfortable with iteration are you, on a scale of 1-10?”
This way, you have some quick information that you can use to bring your team together, as well as set them up for building and coding.