Castle Crashers STEM Lab Field

Is there an actual way to attach the field to the walls or do you just balance the field on the walls?

Hi @Robert_Flower - great question! There are a few things you can do to help make the raised Field a bit more sturdy. Here are a couple of ideas to try:

  • Use textbooks or IQ Kit Boxes instead of the walls to create ‘raised’ sections, then sit the Field on top of the books or Kits. Since the ‘platforms’ the Field sits on are bigger than the Walls, this tends to make the raised Field a bit more solid.

  • You can also try using a couple of 0x3 Connector Pins or 1x2 Connector Pins to attach each Wall to the Field Tile to give it a bit more support. Here’s an example:

One side of the Wall has holes in it, so if you line those up with the holes on the Field Tile, you should be able to add some extra support with the Connector Pins.

I hope that’s helpful - to quote the Princess Bride, Have fun stormin’ the castle!