Check out the new 123 Playspace in VEXcode VR!

Have you seen the new 123 Playspace in VEXcode VR? In it, you can code a virtual 123 Robot to complete various coding challenges, based on existing 123 Activities. This can be a great extension for the physical 123 Robots, or just a good introduction to coding a virtual robot.

Some of the features of the VR 123 Robot, like the Pen, give you the ability to draw on the Field with the robot, to trace a path, or mark a treasure map, or just add a little creativity to your project! There are a few new VR Activities to go along with this playground as well.

I could see this being really useful for virtual days for students who are coding with 123 in their classrooms. Check it out and let us know your thoughts :slight_smile:


@Audra_Selkowitz We had a virtual instruction day yesterday and students were able to have VEX at home. We practiced this week in preparation. The students did an amazing job. Most of the students stayed in the last playground but I had a couple students venture into the Pathfinder.

That’s so great to hear @Desiree_White-Price! If you make some of your own coding challenges/Activities for the virtual 123, please share them :slight_smile: