Hot off the press! Just got my hands on a copy of @Anna_Blake’s new book Capturing Creativity!!! It’s filled with stories, simple step by step activities, extensions, and educator reflections about “20 Easy Ways to Bring Low-Tech STEAM into Your Classroom”. I can’t wait to read it!
Congratulations @Anna_Blake!! You’ll have to let everyone know how to get a copy
What else are you reading to get inspiration for your classroom these days?
How exciting! I’ll have to add this to my list of books to read.
I’ve been reading Daniel Willingham’s Why Don’t Students Like School (the second edition) and am really enjoying it.
@Anna_Blake this is thrilling! Congrats! I was thinking about how much I love the hi/low tech aspect of STEM and STEAM and it made me remember this awesome book: STEM to Story, which is from 826 National. I used it when I was teaching fifth grade - there’s a really fun lesson in there about non-Newtonian fluids my kids loved. I’m sure it is filled with ideas you could adapt for use with VEX stuff (although maybe not that one I just mentioned! )
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@Anna_Blake I would like a copy… take my money!