Checklists/ Rubrics


If you have created any checklists or rubrics for VEX IQ for your students, please share with me. I appreciate it!

Hello @Quynh_Nhu_Tran! What types of checklists/rubrics are you looking for exactly? Also what generation IQ are you using?

Let me know if this helps or if you’re looking for something more specific :slight_smile:

Hi Lauren,

We are using VEX IQ 2nd gen. We are doing Tug of War unit. What success criteria teachers should look for? I’d like to have something to share with the kids beforehand so they know how they can get poits while working together, building and coding.
Thank you so much for responding so quickly.

Hello @Quynh_Nhu_Tran! Thank you for the context this is helpful :slight_smile:

For Tug of War, and all of our 2nd gen STEM Labs, we have many different success criteria measurements and general forms of assessment.

The first would be Check Your Understanding Questions. These are editable google docs found in each lesson.

Here is the Check Your Understanding answer key for the entire STEM Lab found in the Teachers Portal.

There is also the student self-assessment section in each Lesson. I know @Alaina_Haws is passionate about that, so i’ll tag her here :slight_smile: there is one on the Compete page of each STEM Lab.

As well as the final Conclusion Lesson. Here is the debrief rubric.

This is also a great resource for co-creating learning targets with your students, to ensure everyone is on the same page before working.

These IQ rubrics were originlly created for 1st gen, but can be applied to second as well. They cover the Engineering Notebook rubric, Programming rubric, Pseudocode rubric, Collaboration rubric, and Build rubric.

Of course! Let me know if this helps!

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Thank you Lauren so much!

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@Quynh_Nhu_Tran of course! :slight_smile: