Good afternoon,
Is there a way for anyone to help with a particular file? A student has submitted a vrpython file that when I try to load, the code flashes quickly and then reverts back to the default code for a new text file. I tried to open it on her computer too but the same thing happens. Does anyone have any suggestions? I don’t want to make her recode the assignment if I can help it.
Hi @Michelle_Sherry! I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing this.
Would you be able to share the project file here to see if we can recreate the issue?
Sure. Thank you Lauren for checking it out. It’s the strangest thing-
Hannah_VEXcode Project.vrpython (1.3 KB)
Hi Michelle Shery,
I took a look at the vrpython file. The code in the file only contains the following in the main section.
def main():
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 200, MM)
So it is exact the same as the default code for a new text file. The quick flash is because that the system expanded all the code and collapsed the config section on the top.
Maybe you could ask the student to see if there is a different file that she saved for the project?