Coder Cards Accessibility for learners with disabilities

Hi! I am currently participating in a professional development opportunity that is focusing on Universal Design for Learning and disability inclusion in K-12 Computer Science Education. This particular session had me curious if the VEX Coder Cards are available in Spanish, Braille or in a variety of font sizes for those students with visual impairments? Thank you in advance! @Tina_Dietrich @Desiree_White-Price

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Hi @Danielle_McCoy, what a great pd opportunity for you :slight_smile: Coder cards are currently available in Spanish from the 123 product page. While they are not currently available for purchase in Braille or other font sizes, you can try to adapt your Coder cards for individual student needs.

For instance, we tried using a Braille labeler to add a Braille overlay to some Coder cards.

You could also use regular sticky labels and handwrite or print words in larger letters and stick them onto the Coder cards. As long as the Coder cards can still slide into the Coder beneath the plastic, they should work.

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Thank you Audra!
@Tina_Dietrich, is the Spanish version something we should ask Wilkins if it would be a useful resource for them, maybe even Mrs. G?