Hi All,
We are trying to teach our students to code each motor separately (not using a motorgroup) and only using motion blocks, not drivetrain.
The issue (see screenshot) is when adding something like a turn, the codes now are mismatched. We can’t figure out a way to program separately but have the codes run in the sequence we’d like.
Any thoughts?? Thanks!
Hi @Mike_Bothwell! Excellent question 
I know this resource is a GO resource, but the blocks and how you code them, are the same as IQ. I cover how to drive and turn using individual motors on this page of a GO STEM Lab. Let me know if this helps.
Mathematics of Driving with Individual Motors
Mathematics of Turning with Individual Motors
Thanks @Lauren_Harter for the quick reply! So if I’m not mistaken, I don’t need two separate “when started” blocks to program each motor. Just use the “and don’t wait” feature on the first of two “identical” commands?
I’ll try this out next week for sure.
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Hi @Mike_Bothwell! That is correct
using the “and don’t wait” allows you to move both motors at the same time.
Please do let me know how it goes!
I feel like I tried this and it didn’t work…but I’m like 99% sure I did it wrong 
I’ll report back!
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Is it possible to give me the link to this information and video so I can have our teachers watch it?
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Hi @Lauren_Harter,
So we’re trying this out with a GO build. Literally following the exact same code you put in your video (see attached pic). It’s running one wheel at a time. We have the device set up as left motor right motor. What are we doing wrong here? We haven’t even gotten into the turning/unbalanced code issue I initially spoke of.
Hi @Mike_Bothwell!
I’m sorry to hear it’s not working. Can you send me the actual project file? Or can you open the robot configuration so I can see what that is?
Did you add the left and right motors to the robot configuration yourself or from the Parade Float template in Examples?
Is it also possible to show me a video of what is happening with the code?
Thanks so much for your patience as we troubleshoot this 
Hi @Mike_Bothwell! I was actually able to replicate the problem. Let me ask the software team and get back to you on this
thanks for bringing it up.
Hello @Mike_Bothwell!
We’ve identified and rectified the issue with the “and don’t wait” motion blocks. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. The fix will be included in our upcoming release. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!
@Sardorbek_Omonkulov @Lauren_Harter Thank you both for your attention to this issue!