Copyable Code Snippets in the CS Level 1 Python Course

Did you know that you can now copy code snippets in the CS Level 1 Python Course to use in VEXcode VR? Previously, there were images of Python code snippets that students could look at to type into their VEXcode VR projects. The new copyable code snippets streamlines that process, so that students can more easily access the commands from the course - keeping their attention focused on the concepts in the course.

From an accessibility perspective, this also enables students who may struggle to see images in the content clearly to access the Python commands in a better way.

To use the copyable code, simply click on the Copy button in the upper righthand corner to copy the code, then paste it into your VEXcode VR project.
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I hope this makes using the course easier for you and your students! Please share your experiences and how your students are using these code snippets in this thread :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing @Audra_Selkowitz - this is great to know!