Cross-Age MicroSociety Robot Builds Bring Social Emotional Skills!

VEX GO builds have been a great way for my school to achieve cross-age social emotional support!

My school has MicroSocieties: The last hour of every day, our students ‘go to work’ and apply all the education of the day to real-life scenarios and jobs! This year, a student created a VEX Business! The MicroSociety VEX business has trained their ‘employees’ to be the robot experts, and on shopping days, any student can come and ‘shop’ at our VEX Business.

This has been such a joy to observe as I see older students (4th, 5th, and 6th grade students) guiding our youngest learners (Kinder, 1st and 2nd graders) on how to program VEX 123, work together on VEX GO builds, such as building Handy Helper with VEX GO and even guide strategy conversations for on our Ocean Exploration VEX GO Competition Field.

Finding this new use for VEX 123 and VEX GO has been amazing! Older students are taking ownership and developing leadership and confidence as technology/robot experts, the younger students are feeling empowered and supported achieving builds and coding above what they ever dreamed, and all students are developing and growing in their social emotional skills.

I love how VEX robotics provides such a rich social emotional platform as well as the great builds and programming!!


I love this concept. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing

I totally agree with you @Jessica_Drayer. I have recently been taking my 3rd graders into K-1 classes to teach the students how to use the Vex VR 123 Playspace. I love listening to them “coach” the younger students. I just got this great picture of a 3rd grader high fiving a Kindergartener after a “job well done”!

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That picture is awesome!! Love the application of this with VR!!