Cut down your planning time with 123 STEM Labs

Have you seen the Alternate Coding Methods section of the VEX 123 STEM Labs? All STEM Labs are written for one of the 3 coding methods (Touch, Coder, or VEXcode 123), but can be adapted to use other coding methods. This is a great option for STEM teachers that are teaching multiple grade levels in a day – use the same STEM Lab lesson, but implement it with the Touch interface for your Kindergarteners, the Coder and Coder cards for your 2nd graders, and VEXcode 123 for your 3rd graders. Teacher planning time can be much less, when you’re able to use the same content and curriculum for all classes. And students can have common content to connect over too!

Potential solutions for each coding method are offered in the Alternate Coding Methods page of the Unit Overview. Hope this is helpful to our extraordinary STEM teachers like @Anna_Blake!