A student created a code to have the VEX GO code base drive in a square, while pausing at each corner to have the bumper change color. I am attaching a picture of the code as well as the video of it running. Why when they use the turn 90 degrees block, does the robot overturn the angle?
Hi Tina,
It seems like the back Blue Wheel is sliding a bit on the glossy linoleum floor. Have you tried running it on a different surface to see what happens?
Also, it never hurts to double check that both front wheels are turning and are attached well, and that your firmware is updated.
Let us know if any of those suggestions help!
We tried everything you mentioned. We ran the robot on the VEX tiles. All wheels are moving and connected correctly. One moves forward and one moves backward when it turns, and the robot is still overturning past 90 degrees.
Any other suggestions?
Hmm, is the robot correctly configured in VEXcode GO? Maybe the student didn’t use the Code Base configuration?
It is configured correctly. I was wondering if it was an issue with the motor? I might try to swap them out.
Yes, definitely try that!
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