Exploring the Interior Angle Formula in VEXcode VR

Hello all! I wanted to share this project that I made that will draw four shapes on the Art Canvas+ Playground!

  • Three sided shape (triangle)
  • Four sided shape (square)
  • Five sided shape (pentagon)
  • Six sided shape (hexagon)

I used the interior angle formula ((n-2)-180)/n in order to calculate the degree of each interior angle for the different shapes. I then used variables and 2D lists in order to draw the shapes! Let me know what you think! :slight_smile: I’ve also attached my project file to this post if you’d like to download it, try it, or remix it!

How would you use this activity or expand on this with your students to study shapes and interior angles?
Interior Angles.vrblocks (10.1 KB)


@Lauren_Harter This is awesome! You could also challenge your students to use this formula to create some awesome geometric designs with radial symmetry using the shapes they create and the VR Art Canvas + playground. The Flower Garden Activity could be a useful jumping off point for this idea!