Greeting everyone! My name is Mikayla Smith and i’m an after school instructor at FAMU DRS working with the STREAM Robotics program. I’ve been with the program for six years working with elementary and middle school students by helping them with leadership skills, tactical planning, and constructive criticism.

My goal for next year’s competition is to have my kids prepared for more challenging building and coding methods as well as being well aware of what the engineering notebooks look like to win and become more prepared than we have done the past six years.

Welcome @mikayla_smith! That’s wonderful to hear about your program :smiley:

There is a great STEM Lab that we have called Cube Collector. It combines both autonomous movements as well as driver control, just like competition.

There’s also examples inside of what students can document in their engineering notebooks.

I would also check out notebooks.vex.com as well as notebooking.vex.com. They are great resources.

I hope all this helps and I look forward to learning with you!

Would you be able to help me with a problem some students were having today with the automonous section of the Cube Collector challenge. They were able to use either the distance/optial sensor correclty to locate the cube but a few groups did not get past the claw closing it; the arm never moved up. We worke on having the claw spin close to a lesser degree but is there a better way to get the program to move to the next line of code without getting stuck; ie grabbing the claw, lifting the arm up, etc. Thanks.

Hi! I just responded back in the other thread. Hopefully that helps :slight_smile: