Hi Everyone,
My students are building Fling & Rise(first time I have done these as well). I have two things: 1. Rise instructions, page 27 Step 35/36 says a 1x10 is needed, but it should be 1x12. The second thing I need help with, for FLING, step 115, the black piece ending in numbers 072 is too long. If I switch to the one down from that, its too short. We are currently trying to create our own piece to rig it somehow but coming up with no correct sizing. Anyone else have this issue or suggestions? Thank you!
Perhaps this video will help?
@Lauren_Harter Can you check on the build instructions?
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Awesome video @David_Wasser. Thanks for sharing! Have you seen the VEX IQ Parts Ruler?
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Hi Bonnie! Just wanted to follow up that I spoke with the VEX engineers about these issues in the Build Instructions and they are actively updating them. Thanks for catching these! I will let you know once they have been updated
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The black piece for the FLING we actually got to work- but the Rise mistake is still accurate. Thanks for the video though! It has come in handy a lot- wish their was one for each robot just for quick reference. Very helpful in finding build errors and tips with the coding.
Awesome thanks for the feedback! And i’ll send over the edited build instructions once they are fixed for Rise!