Flywheel Assembly

I have a student that has worked day in and out, at school and at home to build a flywheel for their robot. I’ve also had questions from coaches on Twitter on how to build one. I decided to make a video with my student explaining hos process and a few words of encouragement along with a few photos. Hope this helps!


This is awesome! I love the student interview component - one of my favorite things about VEX Worlds was listening to students explain their robot design, so this is right up my alley. I think this could be really encouraging to students - it’s sometimes way more impactful to hear from another student than from an adult.


@Omar_Cortez Terrific video. What a great example of student-centered assessment - specifically conversation-based assessment. Research has shown this type of student self-reporting to have a powerful impact on learning:

Self reported grades comes out at the top of all influences. Children are the most accurate when predicting how they will perform. In a video Hattie explains that if he could write his book Visible Learning for Teachers again, he would re-name this learning strategy “Student Expectations ” to express more clearly that this strategy involves the teacher finding out what are the student’s expectations and pushing the learner to exceed these expectations. Once a student has performed at a level that is beyond their own expectations, he or she gains confidence in his or her learning ability.

See more here: Glossary of Hattie's influences on student achievement - VISIBLE LEARNING