Friday Brain Break Idea :)

'Tis the season for all things pumpkin! So why not incorporate this into a fun VR Activity or a little “Brain Break” for your students. Here in the Art Canvas + Playground I uploaded an image of clipart pumpkins.

The goal of the Activity is to code the VR Robot to draw faces on the pumpkins. They can be any kind of faces you want - from smileys to traditional jack o’lantern style to some with some personality! Here’s an example to spark your imagination…

In thinking about doing this with students a few ideas came to mind for how to make this engaging:

  • Give students a started project (like the one shown here) that draws faces on one or two of the pumpkins, and have them fill in the missing ones.
  • Use the pumpkins as a story starter Students can write a story about what’s going on in the pumpkin patch and how the pumpkins are reacting, or what is making them have those faces. Print out the Art Canvases to illustrate their stories.
  • Practice some interior and exterior angles to have students draw triangles or zigzag shapes in their pumpkins.
  • Use this as a creative collaboration exercise where each group (or student) creates the code for a face on one pumpkin. Students can then share their projects to combine them into unique combinations to put faces on all three pumpkins.

Here’s a link to the Google Slide of the pumpkins. And here’s a link to an article about how to download and use images from slideshows in the Art Canvas + Playground.

If you try this out - please share the results! What other seasonal Art Canvas activities have you done with your students?

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Very cool idea! I didn’t realize you could customize your backgrounds on the art canvas. Thank you for sharing the link on the steps for uploading backgrounds, too!


@James_Nesbitt - yes, absolutely. One of my favorite features of VEXcode VR.

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