My student liked the Simple Clawbot so they mage their own gen 1 version.
That is amazing! I love the agency and ingenuity your students have in doing this! That’s awesome @LORI_COLANGELO. I wonder if they would make any ‘improvements’ or customizations to the Simple Clawbot design in doing this?
The Clawbot build was the one I started on and still my favorite build! I would LOVE to see pictures of it in action!
What a great idea @LORI_COLANGELO! What activities or challenges did they do with their robots?
This would be a great starting point to implement the IQ (2nd gen) version of Robot Soccer STEM Lab where students delve into manipulators and are guided to modify the claw to improve their performance in a class competition. Please keep us posted on what your students do with this build!
We only had enough parts to do a couple but they tried some of the IQ Activities that called for the Simple Clawbot.