We finished building our brand new Gen 2 robots- I love them! However, as we discover/compare to the Gen 1’s -the claw doesn’t seem to go down far enough to grab the cubes each time accurately. Anyone else having/seeing this issue? If yes, what did you do to solve it? Sometimes it picks up, but since it’s grabbing it more from the top not the middle, it’s frustrating that it isn’t reliable when accomplishing tasks. Any tips are appreciated! Thanks
Hi @Bonnie_Sikorski! Sorry to hear that you are experiencing frustrations with the IQ Gen2 Clawbot. What immediately comes into my mind upon reading your post is that you may have inadvertently swapped the orientations of the actual claws. Please double check steps 44-52 in the IQ Gen2 Clawbot Build Instructions, as installing these claws correctly will allow your arm to reach down far enough.
Here is a video of my Gen2 Clawbot grabbing a Cube, and it is able to do so very accurately and repeatedly.
Please feel free to share any images or videos of your Clawbot in action if this is not the case, however!
Thank you- the video is so helpful. I have all the sensors on mine and I think the wires are getting in the way of the arm fully coming down. The claws are built correctly. I may have to re-route some of the wires to the back ports instead. Thank you!