Have your students been using VEXcode V5 Blocks? Do you want them to make the next step in the VEXcode V5 progression and create projects using the Python text-based language?
This is much simpler than you may think!
For some tips on this, please see my video: Getting Started with VEXcode V5 Python
If you prefer a different format, the information is also included in a Google Presentation. Don’t forget to use file> make a copy to customize the presentation for your own use.
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Hi @David_Kelly! Thanks for sharing! I think these articles from the Knowledge Base are great resources as well, especially using the Code Viewer for students who are trying to transition from blocks to text: https://kb.vex.com/hc/en-us/sections/360009369272-Python-Tutorials
There are also great tutorials for blocks, Python, and C++! https://kb.vex.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052648992-Viewing-Tutorial-Videos-in-VEXcode-V5
If students are still struggling to get started, have them open an example project that they can edit! https://kb.vex.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045147812-Using-Python-Example-Projects-and-Templates-in-VEXcode-V5