Groundhog Day Idea :)

Living in Pennsylvania, it’s hard to escape the hubbub around Punxsutawny Phil this time of year! I was thinking about Groundhog Day today (and some of the hilarious conversation I’ve had with students over the years…) and this idea popped into my head.

Step 1: Ask the open-ended question “What do you think a holiday about groundhogs is all about?” (The answers will not disappoint, I promise you.)

Step 2: Use the Art Ring to turn your 123 Robot into a groundhog. Give it a name even! Maybe a scarf - what ever floats your boat.

Step 3: Have each group make a prediction about whether the groundhog will see its shadow or not.

Step 4: Code the robot to come out from it’s groundhog house and ‘see’ it’s shadow, or not, to share the group’s prediction. I’m picturing a setup kind of like this

The 123 Robot starts at the groundhog house, and depending on what the group chooses, either drives to the shadow, or the open space.

Step 5: Have groups share their projects, and chart how many groups pick ‘shadow’ or ‘no shadow’. Then you can watch the groundhog’s actual ‘reveal’ for this year, and see how it compares to your class prediction!

Thought this could be a fun little activity for a Groundhog Day Friday! @Desiree_White-Price and @Danielle_McCoy and @Anna_Blake it seems right up your alleys :slight_smile:


@Audra_Selkowitz, this is a great idea!!

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