My students are building
the Striker robot and we need a 90 degree gusset, part # 276-2577-001. I can’t seem to find this part available anywhere. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can buy this part, a print to-3D print or another part that could work in its sted.
Hi @Michelle_Sherry! Great question, we’ll look into this for you
Thanks @Lauren_Harter . We have the Classroom Super Kit. After I did some research, I see that I probably need the competition starter kits, which I will purchase. I need to go through channels with our local school district to get that and it takes time. In the meantime, is there a supplemental kit I can get that will bridge the classroom kit to the competition kit that I can buy now?
Hi @Michelle_Sherry! I was just about to ask you what Kit you have haha you beat me to it! I know a lot of the parts can be bought individually from VEX’s website.
I know we have the Booster Kit and the Metal & Hardware Kit, but I don’t think these are all the pieces needed to make up a competition Kit, I think it’s just a lot of extra metal.
I can check with engineering though to see if they have a different recommendation, or if they just suggest buying the competition Kit itself.
I know you can compare all the different pieces from the Kits by looking at the parts posters, you can find them here.
I’ll check with engineering and see what they say
Thank you @Lauren_Harter for the link to the posters. That will be very helpful in figuring out what I need to purchase. I definitely will be buying competition kits but I have about 10 classroom kits that I still need to use and retrofit. I want to get these missing pieces soon since the girls are building now while me going through the district to get the full kits will take a few months. Hopefully, I can find the parts I need on the Vex site. When I search for the 90-degree gusset on the site though, it’s not the same thing on the poster, even though they are both labeled 90-degree gusset.
See the screenshots below-
Thanks for your help and contacting engineering.

Hi @Michelle_Sherry! I’m glad the posters are helpful, I use them myself all the time to distinguish the Kits!
I’m going to tag @Bailey_Kahl here (our engineer). I did ask him about those parts and he said he’s looking into them as you’re correct, they’re not on the VEX website currently. They do come in the Competition Kits, but he was looking into the individual part.
Good afternoon @Lauren_Harter and @Bailey_Kahl, just wondering if there was any update so I could purchase the parts the girls need to make progress. I meet them again next Wed and would like to have that order placed asap. Thanks so much for your help!
Hi @Michelle_Sherry! After talking with @Bailey_Kahl I do have access to the CAD file to the part if you’re interested in 3D printing it. Here is the link to that.
As far as we know, the part is not listed for sale on VEX’s website. Bailey is looking into this further.
There’s also an option of taking a more flat piece of metal and cutting/bending it to fit this size. However, I think 3D printing would probably be the best option for how quickly you need access to the part.
Let me know if this is helpful
Perfect! I’ll start there to have something for Wednesday. If Bailey can make them available on the website, I will buy them as well and I will start my paperwork to buy the competition kits.
Have a great weekend and thanks for your help-
Hi @Michelle_Sherry! Sounds good. I’ll let @Bailey_Kahl chime in more about the VEX website availability (i’m not exactly sure the status of the part or if they will be available on the website anytime soon).
I agree getting the competition Kits will be overall the best option. I’m glad 3D printing the part can be a fix in the meantime.
Always here to help
Apologies for taking a bit to reply.
Unfortunately, the parts are currently not in stock and will not be available in time for Wednesday. The parts are on order and are not being discontinued, so they will return eventually. Timeline for restock is currently TBD. I’ll make sure that the product is at least added back to the Gussets page so that you can more closely track stock status, though.
In the meantime, as Lauren shared, there is a CAD file available. You can use this to 3D print a part in the meantime (though this would not be competition legal, if intended for use on a competition robot). Alternatively, there is another 90 Degree Gusset (276-7761) available. It is not a drop-in replacement, but it is functionally similar and can achieve a similar structure joint to 276-2577. Another option would be to create your own gusset using flat sheet metal. This would require some cuts & bends to be applied to the part to get the desired outcome, but this method can create a solid 90 degree joint in a pinch.
Hope this helps!
Thank you Bailey for the follow-up. Lots of options for us to try. Thank you so much.
I appreciate the input, resources and advice.