Happy New Year! Are you making any "Robotics Resolutions" for 2022?

In the classroom, part of my return from winter break was often introducing my students to the idea of a ‘resolution’, to keep them motivated about learning and growing in the ‘new year’. I’d frame it as something that you wanted to work on learning more about or getting better at. With my young students, we’d get answers from ‘listening better’ to ‘learning to write more words’, and sometimes it gave me some good insight into things my students were interested in that I could use in my own planning. So it made me wonder - with so many robotics competitions and classes ramping up again, what are some ‘Robotics Resolutions’ your students or teams (or yourself) make to help get or stay motivated for 2022?

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I am going to try having my students respond to a prompt “GEAR” (Getting Excited about Robotics) to set a goal for the New Year. Where appropriate, their responses will be incorporated into planning experiences involving robotics and coding during their weekly STEM lessons. I teach students from Years 3 to 6 (in Australia).


That sounds awesome! And I always love a good acronym :slight_smile: @Anna_Blake this sounds like something you might be able to use with your kids too!

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