In a Pinch Lessons

I wanted to share a lesson that I did this afternoon on the fly. I had to absorb an additional 20 kids during VEX. It was time for both classes to complete VEX and I could not figure out how to complete today’s lesson with 40 students. Our district goal this year is to incorporate writing. So I thought about doing a whole group lesson. So I thought we can watch a short clip of a robot movie/book and do a compare and contrast activity. So Wall-E came to mind. The first 10 minutes of the movie show Wall-E the robot moving around and showing off his skills. After viewing, we created a Venn Diagram about Wall-E and VEX. Students were so engaged and really got to visualize VEXie (our class robot name) is a robot of many talents. @Jason_McKenna @Audra_Selkowitz @Tina_Dietrich @Danielle_McCoy @Aimee_DeFoe


What a great way to pivot on the fly! Lessons like this offer students really engaging and fun ways to reflect on what they’ve learned about their robots and what they’ve done with their robots - and to potentially give them ideas and creative ways to think about new things they want to try to do with their robots!

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