Introduction to VEX V5 Training Course

Welcome to our community thread dedicated to the Introduction to VEX V5 Training Course! :smiley:

This thread is designed to foster engaging discussions as we navigate this course together. Whether you’re grappling with a specific concept, brainstorming ideas, or seeking answers to your course-related queries, feel free to share them here. This thread is a collective learning space for all of us. Let’s turn our learning curves into stepping stones, fuel our creativity, and break down any barriers to understanding. Remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question in our supportive community. So, let’s start exploring, building, coding, and learning together with VEX V5!


Hello everyone! :smiley:

I just wanted to comment again on this thread with the school year still starting. I always recommend getting familiar with VEX V5 by completing the Introduction to VEX V5 Training Course!

Have you earned your certificate yet?

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