I’d like to start a discussion that might challenge you / your students’ perception of what qualifies as “real programming.” There is no right or wrong answer here and you define the term “real programming”. I’ve been conducting some research on student perceptions toward block-based programming. VEX VR and Scratch are block-based programming platforms. However, there appears to be a discrepancy in how students perceive these platforms as “real programming” or not.
Previous Research
From the previous research (Weintrop and Wilensky, 2015), students also identify drawbacks to blocks-based programming compared to the conventional text-based approach, including a perceived lack of authenticity and being less powerful. They got quotes from students’ interview like “Java is actual code, while Snap! is something nobody will let you code in.”
In a recent study I conducted, seven out of eight students interviewed believed that programming using VEX VR blocks qualified as “real programming.” Their reasoning? The ability to control a robot. Students seem to view the outcome—controlling a robot—as evidence of “real programming.”
Third Party Sensors as “Real Programming”
On the other hand, one student with prior experience in Arduino programming contested this view. According to him, “real programming” should allow for the integration of various libraries and third-party sensors, something he found lacking in block-based programming platforms. This brings up an important point: should the ability to integrate various external components be a qualifier for what is considered “real programming”?
The scenario changes when we talk about Scratch. Students who had used Scratch before stated that it is not “real programming,” dismissing it as a tool designed for kids to create mini video games. However, they view the “VEX VR” blocks as real programming due to the fact of a robot.
I am interested in your experiences with students. What do they perceive as “real programming”? Does the ability of controlling a VR Robot make VEX VR blocks a “real programming”? Do you think the answer of this question influence students’ motivation on if they want to learn more on the block-based programming?