Jeopardy using Code Bases

At the end of my Science unit on weather, I always play Jeopardy. This year I added a VexGo twist. I divided the class into 4 teams. I started with a random topic and point value (ex. Weather Tools 100). I read the question and had each team hit the buzzer. Whichever team hit the buzzer first, answered the question. If they were correct, rather than receiving 100 points, they had to code their code base to go forward 100 mm. If they got it right, they chose the next category and point value. We played until all questions/point values were used and to see which code base made it the furthest!


I love this, such a good share.

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What a great way to keep track of scores @Tina_Dietrich! You could also easily turn this into a little bit of a graphing exercise with the Code Bases basically driving up a bar graph!