Looking for extra measurement activities?

One of the joyful learning moments that I remember lovingly, was seeing (and helping) 2nd graders from @Aimee_DeFoe’s class complete their ‘measurement challenge’ around the school. They would be tasked with measuring various objects around the school (on a small and large scale) using non-standard units of measure, and then again using standard units. It was always filled with laughter and delightful helpfulness as older and younger students also got in on the action!

I was thinking about how this could easily be extended to VEX GO pieces and builds very easily. Did you know that there is a printable VEX GO Parts Ruler? You can print the rulers for student use, and have them measure pieces in the Kit, parts of their build, or even to measure other things around the classroom and relate them to VEX GO.

For instance:

  • Imagine students measuring their Math textbook with the Parts Ruler, then building something of the same dimension.
  • Or figuring out the connection between the pitch on a VEX GO piece and a standard unit of measure for themselves based on what they were measuring around the school?
  • Or even measuring and building something on a large scale - like a hallway, and calculating the number of pieces they would need to build something that spans that distance. Then checking their work by trying to build it!

Have you used the VEX GO Parts Ruler yet? What creative uses can you see for it in your setting?