Lost IQ Code

Student lost the IQ code on their computer. Teacher is asking if there is a way to retrieve an unsaved code or possible download it back from the brain to the laptop?


@Audra_Selkowitz @Lauren_Harter @Tina_Dietrich

Hi @Mike_Bothwell! I’m sorry to hear that the student lost their unsaved code.

Unfortunately I do not know of any methods to retrieve unsaved code, or how to extract it from the Brain.

I know if using the browser version of VEXcode IQ, the browser does autosave if closed, but that is the only thing I am aware of.

I’ll link the Open and Save section of the VEX Library here just in case the teacher needs more support with saving.

@Lauren_Harter appreciate the prompt response! I’ll be addressing more diligent saving/loading of codes with the teachers in the coming weeks.

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@Mike_Bothwell sounds good! Let us know if you need any further help :smiley: