Student lost the IQ code on their computer. Teacher is asking if there is a way to retrieve an unsaved code or possible download it back from the brain to the laptop?
Student lost the IQ code on their computer. Teacher is asking if there is a way to retrieve an unsaved code or possible download it back from the brain to the laptop?
Hi @Mike_Bothwell! I’m sorry to hear that the student lost their unsaved code.
Unfortunately I do not know of any methods to retrieve unsaved code, or how to extract it from the Brain.
I know if using the browser version of VEXcode IQ, the browser does autosave if closed, but that is the only thing I am aware of.
I’ll link the Open and Save section of the VEX Library here just in case the teacher needs more support with saving.
@Lauren_Harter appreciate the prompt response! I’ll be addressing more diligent saving/loading of codes with the teachers in the coming weeks.