It was so exciting to see @Lauren_Harter’s post about the new VEX IQ STEM labs and activities for the 2nd generation kits. A number of the VEX IQ activities will need no modifications in order to be used with the VEX IQ 1st generation kits. With the exception that the colors of the parts in the graphics may be different, it does not matter which kit you use with the following activities:
- Get a Grip, (Test the Grip of VEX IQ tires)
- Get in Shape (An activity using Corner connectors)
- Hang Out (Can you build a device which hangs out off of your desk)
- How big are your teeth? (Can you calculate the pitch of VEX IQ gears and sprockets?)
- Pinball Wizard (Create a pinball game that includes simple machine using VEX IQ pieces)
- Rubber Band Car (Can you design and build a car powered only by a single rubber band?)
- Signs (Can you build a sign with parts from the VEX IQ kit?)
The activity, Can You Name That Part (A game to identify VEX IQ parts), Requires only the substitution of the VEX IQ 1st generation parts poster (.pdf).
The activity, Spin Your Wheels (Can you calculate how fast your wheels are spinning using measurements from a VEXcode IQ project), can be used with any one of the VEX IQ builds which have a wheel-base drivetrain. You only need to make sure you are using a drive motor port when you are configuring the motor for the VEXcode IQ project.
Some of the other activities you can substitute the 1st generation Standard Drive Base for the 2nd generation BaseBot. Just ensure the motor ports are correct when you configure your VEXcode IQ project. These activities include:
- BaseBot Driver ( Navigate is city maze using your controller)
- Build A Wagon (Create an addition to your BaseBot to carry a VEX IQ cube up an inclined plane)
- Cube Crasher Challenge (Code the BaseBot to knock down cubes!)
- Cube Pusher (Code the BaseBot to push cubes out of a square) Note: with this activity you will also need to substitute the color sensor for the optical sensor.
- Drive Forward and Reverse ( Autonomously move your robot forward and reverse)
- Golf Course Mower (Code your BaseBot to drive over an entire Golf Course while avoiding obstacles)
- Navigate The Maze (Use the bumper switch to solve the cube maze)
- Stop And Go (Code the BaseBot to travel to different locations)
- Square Dance (Code the BaseBot to drive in a square)
- To the Left To the Right (Code your BaseBot to turn left and right.)
- Turn Around (Learn about the BaseBot heading to push cubes) Note: you will need to add the gyro to the 1st generation Standard Drive Base to do this activity.
- At a Distance (Use the distance sensor to avoid cubes) Note: the 1st generation distance finder can be used for this activity.
- Color Sensing (Use the Optical sensor to move from cube to cube) Note: the color sensor can be used instead of the optical sensor for this activity.
The 1st generation Clawbot can be used in the activity, Forward, Lift, Reverse (what direction is faster when moving an object).
More activities will be added and they will also be capable of being modified to be used with the VEX IQ 1st generation kits.