Check out this new article that @David_Kelly wrote on using 3-Wire Digital In and Digital Out devices!
I think this is super helpful for anyone who has not used them before. Thanks David!
Check out this new article that @David_Kelly wrote on using 3-Wire Digital In and Digital Out devices!
I think this is super helpful for anyone who has not used them before. Thanks David!
“One use of the Digital In device would be for Digital In/Digital Out communication between two V5 Robot Brains.”
This is very cool!
I was wondering, can the port be used to power LED’s? If so, what is the voltage? Would it overpower a red LED?
Hi @Mark_Johnston, great question! Yes! The port can be used for LEDs. The signal pin puts out 0 or 5V, however it does not put out much power. I would only recommend using the ones from VEX’s website, just because that voltage is more controlled as opposed to a third party. There is actually an example project in VEXcode V5 to get up and running with that!
If you want to use LED’s with your V5 brain, you can get them from VEX here. It is very easy to set them up in devices and then used them.
I didn’t have any VEX LEDs laying around but I wanted to play around with the LED stuff anyway so…
I finally found my little bag of LED’s I use for my Arduino projects. I decided to try them out on the V5 brain. Based on the article in this thread, I could see where the 5v would come from and surmise that the anode (+) should go there and that the cathode (-) should be plugged into the “control”.
In “devices”, I setup the port I used for the LED as “3-wire > LED”.
I ran a loop to turn the led on for a second then off for a second. It works like a charm.
I am using LEDs very similar to these:
Amazon link to LEDs
Make sure your LED’s can handle 5V or else you’ll need to add a resistor.