New Mastering the Workcell PD+ video

One of the questions I get most often with the V5 Workcell, is how do I re-master it? Or more specifically, how do I re-master it if it’s already fully built? A lot of people jump straight into taking the arm of the Workcell apart, but that doesn’t have to be the first item in troubleshooting.

Sometimes it’s as simple as a wire became disconnected, or a screw was not tight enough. All of those tips and tricks are covered plus more in the new Mastering the Workcell video!

I’ve also provided some links below the video to other articles from the STEM Library that can be helpful.

Watch the video and let me know what you think! I would love to hear your feedback :slight_smile:


Hi Lauren,

I just watched this video. :grinning:
I had some issues initially during the build process. I almost fell for a few traps, finding the center lock beam! as it was in a different packet and wondered if it was a misprint initially - but kept looking and thinking.
However I did make some errors when initially putting the arm on - I powered everything down and did not keep the motors on “hold” or keep the mastering jig in place! UGH! So when I got to Lab 4 - programming the movements it was way way way out.
After going back through the build instructions, knowledge bases, I figured out my error! Plus felt a little silly! A teacher who tells her students to ensure they read the instructions properly did not! Oooops.
So for anyone out there just starting the Build - these key steps are crucial - no short cuts! LOL

Hi @Maree_Timms! Thanks so much for sharing :slight_smile:

I agree, building the Workcell the first time does have a lot of steps, and it’s easy to mix up some of the smaller pieces. We also have these articles to go along with building if there are any issues:

I also recommend before building for the first time to ensure that your Workcell Kit is organized, we have these articles below that walk through organization for the Kit. These also help tremendously when trying to find certain parts when building, I refer to these articles often to see where parts are located.

Finally, I suggest anyone who has a Workcell to watch the videos in the Workcell Educator Certification. There are tons of videos in there of me walking through each of the 12 accompanying STEM Labs :slight_smile:

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Thanks Lauren! The videos have been really helpful in the certification. I’m slowly working my way through them. Currently on Lab 4. :grinning:

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That’s awesome! Thanks so much for sharing your journey. If you have any questions or feedback along the way, please let me know :slight_smile: i’d be more than happy to help and provide additional resources.

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