New VEXcode VR Computer Science Activities

Introducing four new VEXcode VR activities! These activities are designed to provide students with an engaging way to explore basic Computer Science concepts and develop coding skills while cracking fun challenges.

Face it and Smart Delivery – these two activities are intended to help students understand the concept of a variable, and how variables work in programming. In Face It, students will create cute polygonal facial expressions by using variables to pass the side length and outer angle information. And in Smart Delivery, students will program the VR Robot to make an accurate delivery in the Number Grid City using variables to customize how it runs. Both activities also offer great opportunities for students to practice their mathematical skills.

Pixel World Adventure and Trash Collection –these two gamified activities are designed to help students understand the concepts of iteration and loops. Students will practice using repeat loops in Pixel World Adventure and learn using while loops and until loops in Trash Collection. In both activities, students are guided and encouraged to develop their own programs and explore how to use loops to solve computational problems effectively and efficiently. Please let us know what you think!


@Ling_Zhang these activities look amazing!! I can’t wait to hear about how teachers use them with their students. The Face It activity might be one of my favorites of all time!

Terrific activities! Thanks @Ling_Zhang for sharing