New Year, New Syllabus

Always looking for ideas for the new school year. First off getting ready for the new school year is updating the old syllabus. I’ll share mine, if you share yours! :slight_smile:


This is great - thanks @LORI_COLANGELO for sharing.

I want to share a video that was essentially my syllabus for an app development course last year. We were entirely online a year ago, so a video was a good way to get students to know my style while also understanding the details of how they would be assessed. I made a quiz that checked student understanding of the detail, but it was fun and non-graded.

We used pretty much the same structure for all of the introductory courses in our department, including robotics and automation, so I thought this might be helpful.

Good luck!


@Evan_Weinberg what a great introduction! I really like that it is something that is not only engaging, but that students could potentially return to throughout the course if they needed to, to help them reflect on the big ideas in your course.

I think it could be really fun to have students make their own versions of this video at the end of the course that summarizes what they’ve learned – sort of like an introduction to the next year/semester/quarter’s students.

Love it. I have some students who would love to make something like this for the lower classes.

Oh my goodness! What a brilliant idea to make a video syllabus! Thank you for sharing!

I agree! This looks great. It’s so helpful when you are a department of one in your school to be able to share with others. It’s reassuring to see others with similar goals, plans, and expectations! I’ll be back to share mine once I give it a good review for the 23-24 school year!


Here’s a copy of mine.