Number of Workcells per student

I teach high school Robotics, and we are planning on ordering some CTE Workcell kits to use with my Advanced classes next school year. I would appreciate some advice on how many kits to order. In our district, we have 3 levels of Robotics and I was thinking I would use the Workcell with my highest level classes. This year, I only have 1 section of this class, but that will probably not be the case next year. So, what is a good ratio of workcells to students? Also, would it be possible for different classes to share kits? I don’t know a lot about the workcell, but it looks really cool and I’m excited to try it out! Thanks for any advice

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The CTE Workcell sounds like a great application for these students. Because the building isn’t the main focus, I would say you should be able to share kits between classes and just have the classes rotate who does the subsequent builds as you work through the Units.

For number of students per Kit, I would recommend 2. You could certainly have a group of 3 or 4, but the students really get to have so much more hands on time with the robot in that smaller group size. The footprint of the Workcell also makes it so that it can fit on a standard desk size, so the general classroom space considerations are smaller than you would find with some other kits.