Organization of VEX Materials

Hello! I am a high school teacher using V5 in both my classroom and in competitions, but this discussion for is everyone. How are you organizing your materials?

  • Do you keep them in the original kits?
  • Do your students have to constantly take the brain on and off their robot or control system between classes/ club meetings so they can be used by other students?
  • Do you have trouble with students hoarding parts they aren’t using?
  • What kinds of tool boxes or organizational carts/ containers do you like?
  • Do you give students a set kit of materials, or a basic kit, then they can get additional materials? If so, what basic materials do you use?
  • How do you organize V5 cables?
  • How do you organize shafts?

I have a few strategies that I’m actually pretty happy with. I took some pictures of my classroom and uploaded them to this Google Folder: VEX Organization [Basehor-Linwood HS]

We have pretty good organization for screws. We use the color coded screws from RoboSource, which helped me realize that we need way more screws that are less than 1" long.

I took the color chart from their website and sized it on a Letter sized piece of paper so it’s just about to scale when you print it: VEX RoboSource Color Coded Screw Chart
And this version of the chart is for copies that I made in black and white so it has the color names listed as well: VEX RoboSource Color Coded Screw Chart - BLACK AND WHITE

One of my students also created designed this clip for V5 Smart Cables. The cords actually CLICK into the clips! They have a slot in the back for a neodymium magnet so we can attach it to the cabinet door, but unfortunately the example magnet I gave the student to design from was smaller than the rest of my magnets so the hole is too small. That’s why there is a magnet taped to the rack pictured below. Hopefully he’ll have a redesign completed soon!


Hi, I came across these photos of how someone sorted some of their pieces. I thought this was a good example to “grab and go” pieces that are needed for builds. The trays would also be good to place the build pieces & pins in.

@Tina_Dietrich @Desiree_White-Price @Nicole_Champagne



I am looking for some different solutions to store the coding cards. This looks like a great plan for our VEX Rooms. @Danielle_McCoy @Tina_Dietrich @Nicole_Champagne

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Would something like this work with the clear inserts?

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