Hi All!
I had a great time subbing in IQ class last night! We packed a ton of significant discussion into that hour, for sure!
We talked quite a bit about the idea of appropriateness being central to creativity - we all agreed that we hadn’t thought about it in exactly that way prior to watching @Jason_McKenna 's Teaching Creativity Video.. That led to talking about creative constraints, and how they can actually help students dig more deeply into something and free their creativity, rather than stifling it.
We also discussed how many of the topics covered in the learning objectives for this sessions - fostering creativity, effective feedback, and formative assessment all have a symbiotic relationship with a positive classroom environment.
Jess brought up some questions about using questions vs. statements as feedback - and we agreed that they can both be effective, depending on the circumstances. Knowing your students and creating that positive environment is critical, so that students understand the intention of your feedback. We talked about making sure feedback targets the project and not the students - making sure to depersonalize it, and how modeling good feedback allows students to be able to provide effective feedback for one another.
Everyone shared ways they use formative assessment in class as well - if anyone wants to post their ideas here to share, that would be fantastic!
We also talked about IQ Activities - how they are student facing, how they can be done in a short amount of time with minimal prep.
Oh - and how it is important to set students up for success right off the bat when learning CS and Robotics - that it is best to start slow and build students confidence and positive attitudes towards STEM, especially when they are middle school students who have no background in robotics or CS.
Finally, I meant to mention the Habits of Mind Playlist as a resource that you all might want to check out - there is a video in there about the habit of Creating, Imagining, and Innovating as well as several others that are relevant to last night’s discussion.
I think that’s about it - if I missed anything or anyone has questions, comments or suggestions, please share them!