Pneumatics with your V5 Robot

If you thinking about trying pneumatics on your V5 Robot this season, please check out this KB: []

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Also, correct me if I am wrong but it looks like the motor limit isn’t lower if you used Pneumatics this year.

Game Manual:

Robots use one control system. Robots may use a V5 Robot Brain, up to eight (8) V5 Smart Motors, and a legal VRC pneumatic system.

I seem to recall there was a lower limit to the number of motors if you used pneumatics but according to R18, it looks like you CAN use 8 motors AND a pneumatic system.

Again… please correct me if I am wrong.

You are correct !! :grinning:

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Here is an example of a team using pneumatics to play this year’s game: NorCal VEX Tipping Point RI3D Reveal - YouTube

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