Printable Field?

Hi! Has anyone created a printable field or do you think you might have use for one? We have the field that comes with the kit, but would like to have access to a printable version that we could make poster size at our print shop and laminate. In my mind it would be about the size of four tiles…the size we use to introduce the Dragon in the Village for VEX 123. A flat field wouldn’t have “sides” to keep in VEX, but I still think it would be useful. Thoughts?


@Laura_Mackay I love that idea. My elementary school has the BIG Canon iPF 670 poster printer that would do just that. Would that be possible resource for us to print out on a .pdf?

I usually have the kids put the tiles together but I travel around so a plan b option would be helpful!


@Laura_Mackay I think that is a great idea. @Audra_Selkowitz Thoughts?

@Laura_Mackay I agree - that sounds awesome! We currently have a PDF of a Field printable for kids and teachers to use for motion planning, so that may be something to get you started. If i were creating one for my classroom, I would probably build the Field that I wanted to use, and take a top down photo of it, and then print the image of the Field really really large. You could potentially attach the print out to foam board also, to give it a little more strength, and a more visible footprint for the kids.

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@Audra_Selkowitz Thank you for the link! I think we tried this, but when you enlarge it the distance changes and the puck doesn’t end up in the right square. I was surprised because I thought the proportions would stay the same when enlarged. Or maybe we did something wrong? Any tips would be appreciated.

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This is awesome @Audra_Selkowitz I’m going to print this out on my poster printer next week!

Hey there @Laura_Mackay and @Anna_Blake - there is now a 2x2 Field Full Size Printable for 123 available in the VEX 123 Printables article! The size is roughly 19in x 19in, so to print it on one sheet, you’ll likely need a poster type printer, or to go to a local print shop. I hope this is helpful!

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Thank you! This is exactly what we needed to print on our poster type printer. I appreciate that VEX is so responsive to our questions.


I love this idea! Sometimes it’s hard to cart around the tiles, so this is a great way to get around that. And it it’s laminated, it can be written on.

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I could also see this being a good planning tool for students and teachers as well - like an easy way to post it on the board and (assuming its laminated) be able to draw out different students’ ideas for path planning purposes. Sometimes doing it on a large scale can be easier to have a group collaborate around, rather than a smaller printable.

Absolutely, pseudocode for visual learners or English as a second language learners too.

I was having difficulty printing the 2 x 2 Field Poster on our school printer. I created a slide formatted to the 11 x17 paper in our printer and was able to print the field in four sections. I taped those together and laminated them for extended usage.
VEX 123 Field Tiles Slide


Thank you for sharing! I shared with my first grade team. Great idea.